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Sunday, 30 August 2009

Zombie survival guide. please note this will only work with movie zombies.

1. Don't panic.
2. Get away from the zombies. Most of the time, you can move faster than they can.
3. Gather food, water, an emergency radio, flashlights and weapons, and retreat to a secure location.
4. If possible, retreat to a shopping mall, general retail store or other location where you'll have easy access to food and supplies.
5. Stay away from densely populated areas, where the infestation is likely to be heaviest.
6. Barricade all entrances and stay put at all costs.
7. Don't get surrounded or backed into a corner or other enclosed space.
8. Remember that anyone bitten or killed by a zombie will become a threat to you and your party.
9. Wait patiently for rescue and make long-term preparations for your survival.

Also, avoid common mistakes like:

1. Sheltering in a vehicle to which you do not have the keys
2. Leaving blades, cudgels or other basic weapons out for zombies to find
3. Teaching zombies how to use firearms
4. Giving your only weapon to anyone who is hysterical
5. Retreating to a basement or cellar without taking supplies with you
6. Getting into an elevator in a building infested with zombies
7. Letting personal feelings and arguments get in the way of survival


Next show is about zombies and how the modern conception of them came about.
In the legends of voodoo
the serpent is the symbol of Earth.

The rainbow is the symbol of Heaven.

Between the two, all creatures must live and die.

But because he has a soul
Man can be trapped in a terrible place
Where death is only the beginning.

Friday, 28 August 2009

New Paradesk from Spock.

Spocker has just released a new episode of the Paradesk check it out by clicking on the player to the right. Nice one mate especially like the gestapo bit at the begining.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an official announcement from BMR to tell you of the launch of our new social networking site, check it out here

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

New Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have only just finished recording a new show, this issue deals with Near death experiences, Lucid dreaming and Alien abductions. Should be live in less than 48 hours.