At exactly 3pm BST on the 16th of September 2009 a unique experiment will begin.
If you are from the future then please send an email to or to +447999057898 as a text message.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
The easy (and cheap) way to build a time machine
How to Build a Time Machine With Your Mental Powers
By rjgrant
eHow Community Member
Article Rating: (1 Ratings)
A whimsical approach to a build it yourself time machine for your own pleasure
Difficulty: Challenging
Things You'll Need:
Lots of faith
Mental powers
While thinking about the time machine which you plan on building in the future, believe that this project can and will be done.
Summon using mental force and a verbal command to call the time machine from the future and send it to the past. This time machine, when it arrives to the designated destination will be called the old time machine. In addition to sending back the time machine also have send back the instructions on how to build it. These will then be called the old instructions. Place a post-it note on these instructions with the word "old".
Bring the old instructions to a drafter. Have him make a copy, not by a photocopy but by creating a new drawing with velum and ink. This will then be known as the new instructions. Label this with a Post-it with the word "new".
Bring the old instructions to a manufacturer in order to build the time machine. The machine which the manufacturer builds will be known as the new time machine.
If the cost of building the time machine is a problem, use the old time machine in order to see the future and purchase lottery tickets. With your winnings, you can pay the manufacturer.
Remove the "new" label from the new instructions and place into the new time machine. Send both the new time machine and the new instructions back into the past to the location and time from which it was summoned.
Use the old time machine for your own pleasure. And buy more lottery tickets.
By rjgrant
eHow Community Member
Article Rating: (1 Ratings)
A whimsical approach to a build it yourself time machine for your own pleasure
Difficulty: Challenging
Things You'll Need:
Lots of faith
Mental powers
While thinking about the time machine which you plan on building in the future, believe that this project can and will be done.
Summon using mental force and a verbal command to call the time machine from the future and send it to the past. This time machine, when it arrives to the designated destination will be called the old time machine. In addition to sending back the time machine also have send back the instructions on how to build it. These will then be called the old instructions. Place a post-it note on these instructions with the word "old".
Bring the old instructions to a drafter. Have him make a copy, not by a photocopy but by creating a new drawing with velum and ink. This will then be known as the new instructions. Label this with a Post-it with the word "new".
Bring the old instructions to a manufacturer in order to build the time machine. The machine which the manufacturer builds will be known as the new time machine.
If the cost of building the time machine is a problem, use the old time machine in order to see the future and purchase lottery tickets. With your winnings, you can pay the manufacturer.
Remove the "new" label from the new instructions and place into the new time machine. Send both the new time machine and the new instructions back into the past to the location and time from which it was summoned.
Use the old time machine for your own pleasure. And buy more lottery tickets.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Saturday, 5 September 2009
They will kill us all ! (probably)
Paranoia alert -- science proves zombies will kill us all
Aug 18th 2009
By Michael Rundle
In more bad news for the living today, scientists have determined that humanity would almost certainly perish in the (probably still unlikely) event of a zombie outbreak.
Using maths and probability to demonstrate what us Walking Dead fans have known for years, a team in Canada have shown that an zombie-like infection -- one that quickly killed its victims and then returned them to life in order to feast on the living -- would, mathmatically speaking, spell almost certain doom for us all.
Among the issues faced by humanity would be the exponential increase in new zombies created after each human dies, and the sudden shutdown of vital services and resources.
Only massive and frequent counter-attacks upon the Zombie Menace would give humans any hope of survival says the paper, which is published this week under the title 'Infectious Diseases Modelling Research Progress'.
The University of Ottowa researchers who worked on the study assumed that the zombies were the classic, slow-moving type seen in the original George A. Romero films, and not the heretical and far-more-deadly ultra-fast zombies as seen in films like 28 Days Later. Even so their analysis revealed that any attempt to cure or capture the Shuffling Horde would only put off the inevitable.
"It's imperitive that zombies are dealt with quickly," the paper says. "Or else... we are all in a great deal of trouble."
The study has been welcomed by disease specialists around the world for its contribution to understanding deadly outbreaks. Those championing the paper include Prof. Neil Ferguson, who is a chief advisor on swine flu for the UK government.
"My understanding of zombie biology is that if you manage to decapitate a zombie then it's dead forever. So perhaps they are being a little over-pessimistic when they conclude that zombies might take over a city in three or four days," Ferguson told the BBC.
You can read the whole paper over at the University of Ottawa Website. In the meantime we suggest you get prepared for the inevitable.
Aug 18th 2009
By Michael Rundle
In more bad news for the living today, scientists have determined that humanity would almost certainly perish in the (probably still unlikely) event of a zombie outbreak.
Using maths and probability to demonstrate what us Walking Dead fans have known for years, a team in Canada have shown that an zombie-like infection -- one that quickly killed its victims and then returned them to life in order to feast on the living -- would, mathmatically speaking, spell almost certain doom for us all.
Among the issues faced by humanity would be the exponential increase in new zombies created after each human dies, and the sudden shutdown of vital services and resources.
Only massive and frequent counter-attacks upon the Zombie Menace would give humans any hope of survival says the paper, which is published this week under the title 'Infectious Diseases Modelling Research Progress'.
The University of Ottowa researchers who worked on the study assumed that the zombies were the classic, slow-moving type seen in the original George A. Romero films, and not the heretical and far-more-deadly ultra-fast zombies as seen in films like 28 Days Later. Even so their analysis revealed that any attempt to cure or capture the Shuffling Horde would only put off the inevitable.
"It's imperitive that zombies are dealt with quickly," the paper says. "Or else... we are all in a great deal of trouble."
The study has been welcomed by disease specialists around the world for its contribution to understanding deadly outbreaks. Those championing the paper include Prof. Neil Ferguson, who is a chief advisor on swine flu for the UK government.
"My understanding of zombie biology is that if you manage to decapitate a zombie then it's dead forever. So perhaps they are being a little over-pessimistic when they conclude that zombies might take over a city in three or four days," Ferguson told the BBC.
You can read the whole paper over at the University of Ottawa Website. In the meantime we suggest you get prepared for the inevitable.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Zombie survival guide. please note this will only work with movie zombies.
1. Don't panic.
2. Get away from the zombies. Most of the time, you can move faster than they can.
3. Gather food, water, an emergency radio, flashlights and weapons, and retreat to a secure location.
4. If possible, retreat to a shopping mall, general retail store or other location where you'll have easy access to food and supplies.
5. Stay away from densely populated areas, where the infestation is likely to be heaviest.
6. Barricade all entrances and stay put at all costs.
7. Don't get surrounded or backed into a corner or other enclosed space.
8. Remember that anyone bitten or killed by a zombie will become a threat to you and your party.
9. Wait patiently for rescue and make long-term preparations for your survival.
Also, avoid common mistakes like:
1. Sheltering in a vehicle to which you do not have the keys
2. Leaving blades, cudgels or other basic weapons out for zombies to find
3. Teaching zombies how to use firearms
4. Giving your only weapon to anyone who is hysterical
5. Retreating to a basement or cellar without taking supplies with you
6. Getting into an elevator in a building infested with zombies
7. Letting personal feelings and arguments get in the way of survival
2. Get away from the zombies. Most of the time, you can move faster than they can.
3. Gather food, water, an emergency radio, flashlights and weapons, and retreat to a secure location.
4. If possible, retreat to a shopping mall, general retail store or other location where you'll have easy access to food and supplies.
5. Stay away from densely populated areas, where the infestation is likely to be heaviest.
6. Barricade all entrances and stay put at all costs.
7. Don't get surrounded or backed into a corner or other enclosed space.
8. Remember that anyone bitten or killed by a zombie will become a threat to you and your party.
9. Wait patiently for rescue and make long-term preparations for your survival.
Also, avoid common mistakes like:
1. Sheltering in a vehicle to which you do not have the keys
2. Leaving blades, cudgels or other basic weapons out for zombies to find
3. Teaching zombies how to use firearms
4. Giving your only weapon to anyone who is hysterical
5. Retreating to a basement or cellar without taking supplies with you
6. Getting into an elevator in a building infested with zombies
7. Letting personal feelings and arguments get in the way of survival
Friday, 28 August 2009
New Paradesk from Spock.
Spocker has just released a new episode of the Paradesk check it out by clicking on the player to the right. Nice one mate especially like the gestapo bit at the begining.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is an official announcement from BMR to tell you of the launch of our new social networking site, check it out here
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
New Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have only just finished recording a new show, this issue deals with Near death experiences, Lucid dreaming and Alien abductions. Should be live in less than 48 hours.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Normal service to resume very soon.
It's been a hectic couple of weeks for BMR all sorts of things have prevented us from getting our shows out. Normal service will resume shortly. We apologise for the delay.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Back to normal?
Ok, if everything goes as planned we should be recording the werewolf show this wednesday. Sorry to everyone for the abscence of any content the last week or so.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Bad Spock sleeping
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Monday, 15 June 2009
A break
Ok there will not be a main show this week. Spock and I are embarking on a marketing quest ahead of the website launch in a few weeks. We will be doing a paradesk and bib report tho.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Face on Mars
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Cydonia show.
The next show should be up and live by tomorrow. Gonna make a suggestion that we don't drink any alcohol next week!
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Ok im still doing the show...
My one man show didn't go well i'm still putting it together, but don't despair it will be up by sunday folks!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Monday, 1 June 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Just realised...
Its been 3 days since my last blog entry, sorry guys. Here's the latest. Show 7 will be live sunday night/monday morning. The next show will probably just be me (should be interesting) spock won't be back for 2 weeks. We might get a visit from neil, we just don't know. Anyway keep an eye out for the apocalypse show it's out soon!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
An afternoon with Mr Cock-up.
Just finished recording this weeks show, and what a fucking job it was!
Interruption after interruption, we started 3 hours late and after phone calls and babies crying and doors slamming we finally got an approximation of a half decent podcast, anyway let me know what you think.
Interruption after interruption, we started 3 hours late and after phone calls and babies crying and doors slamming we finally got an approximation of a half decent podcast, anyway let me know what you think.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
The night before...
Ok it's the night before the Mayan Apocolypse show, Spock reckons he is ready but I know he isn't, I also know that he doesn't read the blog either so I can say what I want about him. I am just adding the final touches to my show notes, haven't spoken to Damien and there is a chance Neil will be on the show again. As usual everything is possible so just watch out!
If you haven't checked it out yet, have a look at our shop, it's listed at the bottom of the blog.
Have just checked out some answers on Yahoo answers prior to the show most of them are amusing...
If you haven't checked it out yet, have a look at our shop, it's listed at the bottom of the blog.
Have just checked out some answers on Yahoo answers prior to the show most of them are amusing...
Monday, 25 May 2009
Bad Back rising
I have a terrible case of lower back pain, just taken 2 days off work which means it must be bad!
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Spocks new feature.
Spock has a new feature on the show called Paradesk he even got me to knock up a theme tune for it.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Next weeks show...
It has been decided that we should do a show on the impending doom of the 2012 Mayan apocalypse (sadly shceduled for after the olympics!). So we need to brush up on our Mayan and Aztec,wish us luck!
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
New show alert!
This weeks show is now live! I decided to get a quick edit out this time so evil edna doesn't make an appearance.Spock complained of course!
At the time of recording we couldn't locate Damien, thankfully Neil was on hand to save the day.
P.S. as soon as I can Sean I will put your photos up ie: last weeks show.
At the time of recording we couldn't locate Damien, thankfully Neil was on hand to save the day.
P.S. as soon as I can Sean I will put your photos up ie: last weeks show.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Skyped up and ready to go.
If all goes according to plan (insert plan-ruining scenario here) we should all be using usb headsets so sound quality should be at a premium this week.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Evil edna strikes again!
There is a process that can occur that i have named evil Edna. It follows thus, after a couple of hours hard editing i finally go to save my work only for my pc to crash and render my work pointless. Show will be slightly late, sorry.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Spock the impatient bastard.
Even though he didn't do any work on the latest show, Spocker is already demanding to know when its going live. Well don't worry my pointy-eared matey its probably going to be live sometime tonight.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Ufo show next week
Ok, now that we have secured the services of damien the über-skeptic, next weeks show will be ufo themed. Hopefully spocks new mic will have arrived by then!
Friday, 15 May 2009
Ghost special in the can.

Just finished recording the show, refreshing not having to pause for fag breaks every five minutes. Thanks to the wife tracey and sean and larry and terry cheers guys. Show will be live by sunday. The photos above show an apparent entity behind one of our listeners, Sean from Scotland. Thanks for that Sean hope it didn't scare you too much!
Thursday, 14 May 2009
As Neils job may prevent him taking such an active role in the podcast, negotiations are taking place to bring in Damien the uber-skeptic to the show. Neil will still be a member of bmr but we may hear less from him on the podcasts.
A break from the norm.
Ok, due to technical issues ie: spock buying a shit mic it wasn't possible to record this weeks show in its standard format. Instead we have scoured the web for the scariest ghost stories for a ghost story special! Normal service will resume next week.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
New show tomorrow
Ok we have decided on a ghost show this week so some desperate scrambling around for material is being enacted, I'm sure it will be another killer show though!
Neil had his interview today not tomorrow, and got the job, well done Neil. Spock just better get off his arse and buy a new mic in the morning having left his in Spain.
Neil had his interview today not tomorrow, and got the job, well done Neil. Spock just better get off his arse and buy a new mic in the morning having left his in Spain.
The day before.....
Ok it's the day before show day and we still don't have a topic. Spock is being more elusive now he's back at uni and I don't know if he will be available for the show at all. Neil has a job interview tomorrow in Folkestone so as usual every sodding thing is up in the air again arrrggghhh! I suppose I could do the show myself, watch this space! ( ).
Monday, 11 May 2009
I am going to suggest we do a ghost show this week, basically a show full of the most nerve-wracking and disturbing stories we can find, and with some sufficiently haunting music in the background.
Last weeks show is now live no thanks to podomatic, bloody uploader kept crashing. Neil has had a stay of execution from his landlord so he doesn't have to move out till thursday now.
The Evil in the edit
Just uploading last weeks show, Spock doesn't seem to realise the work I put into editing it, cutting out the ums and ahhs and the 3...2...1...s Spock insisted on adding to get himself 'primed' knobhead. Anyway I still couldn't get it under an hour so the latest show will be over an hour long, next weeks wont!
Neils impending homelessness gives me cause for concern but have reasurred him he can camp out in luxury in my back garden.
Neils impending homelessness gives me cause for concern but have reasurred him he can camp out in luxury in my back garden.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Final edit
Its the final edit of last weeks show tonight then I'll make it live. Still struggling to get it under 60 minutes though.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Ghosts and UV light
Just listened to a podcast in which was theorised that ghosts reside within the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. And may suggest why small children may be able to see ghosts better because they have little UV protection in their eyes. Will investigate further.
Blighty bound
Spocks back in good old blighty, should be a good show this week even though we don't know what the hell it'll be about! I'm guessing it will be more of a paranormal show this week.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Spock the perfectionist
Its Friday and Spock wants to know why the new show isn't live yet, I tell him it was his idea to take time editing it and promise him it will be live by sunday, I also call him a fat minge. Neil is ambivalent.
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